Website Builder

Wix vs. Jimdo: 7 Categories, 1 Winner

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Wix or Jimdo? If you're looking for a website builder, these two providers will likely end up on your shortlist. There are some similarities between the two: Wix and Jimdo are designed for beginners with no programming experience, with both offering simple AI-powered modular systems alongside their standard editors, making website creation even more straightforward.

So, which provider is better? We already put the two platforms to the test in our website builder review, however, in this article, we'll examine them category by category to help you decide which best suits your needs.

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Wix vs. Jimdo

Wix Website Builder
Wix Website Builder
(92,328 )
800+ versatile templates
lots of features and elements
store with 300+ apps
simple & intuitive interface
free entry-level plan
0.5 - ∞
0 - 1
550 - 800+
Contract Period
0 - 36 months
Wix Free
monthly price
Visit Website*
Try for Free
Jimdo Website Builder
Jimdo Website Builder
(40,798 )
2 editors in one
75 high-quality templates
free beginner plan
no app market
weak product inventory management
0.5 - ∞
0 - 1
Contract Period
0 - 12 months
Jimdo Play
monthly price
Visit Website*
Try for Free

Configuration and Usage

User-friendly operation is especially important when it comes to website builders. After all, they're generally aimed at creators who have little experience with coding and web development. Both Wix and Jimdo offer editors that are even easier to use than their standard ones, albeit at the cost of limited functionality: Wix's ADI Editor and Jimdo's Dolphin.

Wix ADI automatically creates a website for you; all you have to do is answer a few questions.

Jimdo's Dolphin is an AI-powered editor that automates website creation.

When you begin using Wix ADI or Jimdo Dolphin, you'll be asked a few questions about your project and style preferences. Your responses are then used to automatically create a simple page that you can quickly fill with content.

Of course, these simplified editors are a compromise; they're incredibly user-friendly, but severely limit your customization options. While it's possible to add sections and make changes to your site's basic design (e.g., colors or fonts), most of the template's static elements cannot be changed.

More customization options in the standard editor

Wix and Jimdo's default editors offer more possibilities for customization. Jimdo Creator is more complex than Dolphin, but you'll get a greater number of more-readily adjustable content elements and features in return. Wix's standard editor has a bit more going for it than Jimdo Creator, since the former has a flexible drag-and-drop interface that allows you to freely move content elements.

Jimdo Creator offers a wider selection of content blocks than its simplified Dolphin editor.

While Wix's default editor is more complex than ADI, it has far more to offer.

Both website builders offer equally user-friendly editors for beginners. However, we find Jimdo Creator a bit more intuitive than Wix's standard editor, which is why the first round goes to Jimdo.

Winner: Jimdo



While reviewing each platform's features, we took the quality and quantity of elements within the editors into consideration. Both website builders offer a good mix of content blocks, such as text fields and image galleries. This includes advanced content, such as forms and FAQ sections. However, Wix's selection is a bit larger and more varied.

Wix offers a particularly large selection of content elements.

Only Wix has an app market

Wix allows you to supplement any missing features through their app market, which has hundreds of free and paid third-party add-ons. While you can integrate some add-ons (POWr plugins) via inserting HTML code on Jimdo, this option is less user-friendly. As a result, Wix scored higher in this category.

You can find numerous extensions in Wix's app market.

Multilingual websites are easier with Wix

Creating a multilingual website with Jimdo can be frustrating. You have to settle for a workaround that involves sacrificing the top navigation level for a language menu. After that, you'll need to duplicate all of your site's content, creating subpages in multiple languages.

Wix makes things much easier. Via Settings, it's possible to create a multilingual site and either manually or automatically translate its content. An additional menu for switching languages is then included on your website.

Multilingual websites can only be created on Jimdo using a workaround.

Overall, Wix offers more features than Jimdo and is a step ahead when it comes to ecommerce and marketing (more on this later). Jimdo's beginner-friendly editor also has a few flaws when set alongside Wix. For example, it isn't possible to create a blog with Jimdo Dolphin, whereas you can with Wix ADI. As such, this round goes to Wix.

Winner: Wix


Templates & Design

In this category, we reviewed both the quality and variety of the website builders' templates, as well as the design and customization options that their editors offer.

Over 800 templates and excellent customization options with Wix

Wix has a huge selection of templates, offering more than 800 designs divided into categories such as "Business", "Music", and "Restaurants & Food". Due to the sheer number of these, not every design is a hit. All the same, with so much choice, you're sure to find something that suits your style and needs.

After you select a template, you'll find a multitude of possibilities for customization. You can personalize your template in the design management section (e.g., choose basic settings and change colors or backgrounds). Beyond that, you can also add effects like Parallax. Thanks to Wix's flexible drag and drop interface, it's possible to position all of your content elements and freely specify aspects such as their size and alignment.

Wix offers a wide selection of templates, with their drag and drop editor making it easy to customize your site's appearance.

Fewer options and less customization with Jimdo

Jimdo doesn't offer as many templates as Wix; when we conducted our review, only 40 designs were available. The templates have varying foci, such as blogging or online stores, however, they aren't limited to those functions.

Each template comes with several design variations. You can further customize your site in the design menu, where it's possible to set style properties for either the entire website or for individual content blocks. However, Jimdo doesn't offer a completely flexible drag and drop interface like Wix.

Jimdo offers a limited selection of templates.

Overall, Wix offers a larger selection of templates and more options for customization.

Winner: Wix


Ecommerce, Marketing & SEO

It's possible to open an online store with both Jimdo editors, meaning that you can sell products and market them with coupons or discounts. Nevertheless, during our assessment, Jimdo only earned a "satisfactory" rating in terms of ecommerce. Among other concerns, this was due to Jimdo Creator's product management shortcomings. Although you can create variants of the same product, you cannot automatically combine identical products with a few different parameters.

This means that you have to manually create a separate variant for every item you want to sell, such as each color and size for a t-shirt featuring the same design. You won't encounter this issue with the platform's competitors. In fact, even Jimdo's own user-friendly Dolphin editor offers a better solution. Essentially, selling digital products on Jimdo is only possible in a roundabout way, and the program offers the bare minimum when it comes to marketing features.

While Jimdo is a suitable digital sales platform overall, it lacks some basic features. You can read more about these in our review of their ecommerce system.

Unfortunately, Jimdo's ecommerce features are underdeveloped. For example, it's impossible to combine variations of the same product.

More sales and marketing options with Wix

Wix doesn't complicate things when it comes to offering digital products and services, subscriptions, and physical products. Items can be grouped into collections, making it easy for customers to digitally browse through your store. The platform also offers an intuitive way to add product variations: Simply create different options for your items, such as color or size, and entries will automatically be made for possible product combinations.

The Israeli site builder also serves up more advanced marketing features than Jimdo. Their Ascend marketing platform can help you plan and launch email campaigns, social media posts, and even simple promotional videos.

If you're in need of more features for your online store, you can find numerous extensions in Wix's App Market.

Wix offers a more impressive sales platform than Jimdo.

Therefore, Wix takes this round.

Winner: Wix


Customer Support

Which provider has stronger customer support? In this category, we took three factors into account: The usefulness of their help centers, the quality of live customer service, and how long the responses took.

Fast support with Wix's live chat

Wix's help center is filled with logically sorted support articles that can be readily full-text searched. The platform also offers direct support 24 hours a day via live chat or callback service. It typically took only a matter of seconds to speak to a friendly staffer who was able to solve our problems. Unfortunately, Wix's direct support isn't easy to find; only when you mark an article in the help center as "not helpful" will the option to contact support directly appear.

We found help quickly using Wix's live chat.

Only for paying customers at Jimdo

Jimdo doesn't offer live chat, and only users with a Jimdo Pro plan can reach out to support staff directly through a contact form. Unfortunately, even then, we had to wait three days for a response to our inquiry. That being said, the service we received was helpful and addressed our questions in detail.

Jimdo also has a solid help center with extensive support articles on topics grouped into categories such as "Basics", "Shop", or "Social Media".

While Jimdo's support was much slower, their responses were of exceptional quality.

We had good experiences with both website builders' customer support. However, if you check ratings online, you'll find that not everyone has something positive to say. In fact, on average, Wix receives lower customer service marks than Jimdo. That being said, Wix responded to our needs much faster and was able to provide good answers to our questions. Therefore, this category also goes to Wix.

Winner: Wix



Both Jimdo and Wix offer a free version of their website builder that ties users to a provider-owned domain. When it comes to premium plans, each has different pricing options in place for basic and ecommerce sites.

Wix Plans

Wix offers seven premium plans; four are geared toward basic websites (Connect Domain, Combo, Unlimited, and VIP) while three are business and ecommerce packages (Business Basic, Business Unlimited, and Business VIP).

All paid plans include a dedicated domain, an SSL certificate, and 24/7 customer support. Wix offers ad-free plans starting with their Combo subscription. There are also differences between plans when it comes to storage space and bandwidth.

Here's an overview of Wix's pricing:

Monthly Price $0.00 from $14.00 from $17.00
Contract Period (Months) 0 1 - 24 1 - 36
Space (GB) 0.5 2 20
Pages unlimited unlimited unlimited
Traffic (GB) 1 unlimited unlimited
Custom Domain
Domains Included 0 1 1
Free of Ads
SSL Encryption
Multilingual Sites

Jimdo Plans

Jimdo offers four paid website plans (Start, Grow, Grow Legal, and Unlimited). They all include a dedicated domain and premium support, as well as basic features. Plans vary when it comes to storage space, bandwidth, the number of email forwards, and the number of subpages.

Jimdo also has three ecommerce plans (Basic, Business, and VIP).

Here's a current price overview:

Monthly Price $0.00 $11.00 $17.00
Contract Period (Months) 0 12 12
Space (GB) 0.5 5 15
Pages 5 10 50
Traffic (GB) 2 10 20
Custom Domain
Domains Included 0 1 1
Free of Ads
SSL Encryption
Multilingual Sites

On average, Wix's rates are slightly more affordable than those of Jimdo.

Winner: Wix


Customer Reviews

While both providers have earned "good" ratings from their customers, Jimdo's scores are slightly higher. This is especially true on Trustpilot, where Wix has chalked up a number of negative reviews. These complaints mostly center around problems with customer support or issues pertaining to availability and loading times. Jimdo does well for itself on all of the review websites we checked; many users on Trustpilot note their satisfaction with the platform's customer support.

Wix Customer Reviews

Customer Ratings
4.4 / 5
92,328 Bewertungen
Visit Website*
We analyzed the reviews and ratings from various portals and found 92,328 ratings with an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5 .

Jimdo Customer Reviews

Customer Ratings
4.2 / 5
40,798 Bewertungen
Visit Website*
We analyzed the reviews and ratings from various portals and found 40,798 ratings with an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5 .

Winner: Jimdo


Wix* is clearly victorious, taking five of the seven categories in our comparison. Their website builder offers more features, a wider variety of designs and customization options, a more developed ecommerce platform, faster support, and lower prices. Jimdo is slightly more user-friendly and has better customer reviews overall.

Despite Wix's greater complexity, it remains quite user-friendly. Combine that with the program's high scores in other categories, and it's no wonder why Wix earned first place in our review. You can find comprehensive evaluations of both Wix and Jimdo, as well as many other programs, in our expansive website builder comparison. If you want to create an online store, you can also check out our roundup of the best ecommerce platforms on the market.

Best Overall 2024
Wix Website Builder
Wix Website Builder
(92,328 )
Wix beats out the competition with an unmatched variety of features, intuitive editors and a jam-packed app store. Overall, the platform offers the best balance of usability and features on the market today.
800+ versatile templates
lots of features and elements
store with 300+ apps
simple & intuitive interface
free entry-level plan
0.5 - ∞
0 - 1
550 - 800+
Contract Period
0 - 36 months
Wix Free
monthly price
Visit Website*
Try for Free
Visit Website *
Check Review
Marketing, SEO & Ecommerce
10 / 10
10 / 10
Configuration & Usage
9.4 / 10
Templates & Design
9.4 / 10
9.4 / 10
Top Website Builder 2024
from $0.00
per month
from $16.00
per month
from $10.50
per month
from $0.00
per month
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Author (German Version): Martin Gschwentner
Martin has been a freelance writer in the B2B sector for more than eight years, specializing in technical case studies for tech companies like Google Cloud. He lives in London, where he runs his own company, GSCRIBE, focusing on customer success stories and employer branding. At EXPERTE, he shares his knowledge about software and strategies that help freelancers and self-employed professionals optimize their business processes and work more efficiently.
Translation: Lisa Torelli-Sauer
* Ad disclaimer: For links marked with an asterisk, may earn a commission from the provider. The commission has no influence on our editorial rating.
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Best Overall 2024
Wix Website Builder
800+ versatile templates
lots of features and elements
store with 300+ apps
simple & intuitive interface
free entry-level plan
Try Wix now
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